Thank Congress for Passing the American Rescue Plan!

When the pandemic first began, Women Employed—and many of our partners—made key policy recommendations to provide meaningful relief and lasting recovery. The American Rescue Plan delivers on many of those recommendations, so we want to thank the Biden-Harris administration and the legislators in the House and Senate who made this critical relief package a reality.  

We call on Congressional leaders and the Biden/Harris administration to build on the American Rescue Plan and continue to prioritize working families and fill the gaps in existing relief packages to support our most vulnerable and low-paid workers, many of whom are women and people of color.  

Sign our petition to thank the Biden/Harris administration and members of Congress who voted to pass the American Rescue Plan and to urge them to prioritize working families moving forward: 

The American Rescue Plan: Thank You and Onward!

Thank you for passing the American Rescue Plan! This unprecedented relief package is a great start in providing immediate relief to working families as they continue to weather the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was especially pleased to see direct relief in the form of stimulus checks and child tax credits, along with strong investments in childcare, education, and state and local governments.

Given the ongoing health and economic impact of the pandemic, particularly borne by women, however, I ask that you continue to take bold action in providing relief for working families in the coming months such as:

  • providing permanent and inclusive paid leave so that people don’t have to choose between their (or their family’s) health and their job
  • a full and fair minimum wage of $15/hour that is past due for workers, many of whom are doing essential and frontline work
  • an elimination of the sub-minimum tipped wage, particularly crucial in a time when restaurant workers are seeing their tips decrease and harassment increase

The above-mentioned policies will fill in the gaps from previous relief packages and will particularly benefit low-paid workers who are often women and people of color. By more holistically meeting the needs of the most vulnerable workers and families, these policies will support our essential workers who can continue to keep our economy going and set our communities on the path to building back better.