Women Employed is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose principal mission is to improve the economic status of women and remove barriers to economic equity. Women Employed does not endorse or oppose political parties or candidates for office.
The contents of our website are made available to the public for purposes of general information, consistent with the mission of Women Employed.
After reviewing these Terms and Conditions, if you have questions about the use of materials on our website, please contact:
Judy Miyashita
Director of Marketing and Communications
67 E. Madison Street, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60603
Terms & Conditions
The following Terms and Conditions shall govern the materials and services provided to you by Women Employed’s website (the “Site”). By accessing and using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions.
Women Employed may revise these Terms and Conditions over time as new features are added to the Site or as Internet law and standards evolve. We will post those changes prominently but we do recommend that you read these Terms and Conditions each time you visit the Site.
1. Copyright and Permissions
You may download or make single copies of materials displayed on the Site for your own personal and noncommercial use, provided that all copies shall retain the copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices displayed with the materials on the Site.
You may not distribute, transmit, copy, download, or otherwise make available any material from the Site, including any text, images, audio clips, or video clips for commercial use, without the prior written permission of Women Employed; you also may not reproduce, publicly perform, publish, license, modify, rewrite, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any material contained on the Site without prior written permission.
None of the material contained on the Site (including all software, HTML code and other code) may be reverse-engineered, disassembled, decompiled, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any language or computer language, retransmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photo-reproduction, recordation or otherwise), resold, or redistributed without the prior written permission of Women Employed.
Except as otherwise noted, all content of the Site is:
Copyright © 2024 Women Employed
All Rights Reserved
Women Employed has adopted a policy of terminating services to users who willfully and/or repeatedly infringe.
For further information regarding permission to use material, please email Judy Miyashita.
2. Trademarks and Logos
The trademarks and logos (collectively the “Marks”) displayed on the Site identify the products and services of Women Employed and other third parties, and inform the public as to the source of those products and services. Nothing contained on the Site should be construed as granting any right or license to use any Mark displayed on the Site. Your misuse of any Mark is strictly prohibited, including without limitation, your use of the Marks in any of the following ways:
- In a manner likely to cause confusion;
- To identify your products or services;
- In, as, or part of your own trademarks or services marks;
- In a manner that implies inaccurately a sponsorship, endorsement or other connection with your products, services or other activities; or
- In a manner that disparages or dilutes the Marks.
You are also advised that Women Employed will enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law. You agree not to display or otherwise inappropriately use the Marks without prior written permission from Women Employed. Please make such requests by e-mail to Judy Miyashita. We will evaluate your request and respond as soon as possible.
3. Fair Use & Proper Attribution of Marks
You may make fair use of the Marks in news, advertising and promotional materials, and in referring to our products and services (for example, in a newspaper article) without our permission, provided you follow standard trademark usage practices and provide proper attribution. Any other uses require prior written permission from Women Employed. Please make such requests by e-mail to Judy Miyashita. We will evaluate your request and respond as soon as possible.
4. Privacy
For our full Privacy Statement, see our Privacy Policy.
5. Interactive Material
Women Employed maintains social networking groups through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, and other social networking sites (“Women Employed Social Media Pages”). Portions of Women Employed’s Social Media Pages may allow users to post their own material. The materials posted by users do not necessarily reflect the views of Women Employed. By posting materials to the Women Employed Social Media Pages, you represent that you have all necessary rights in and to such materials, and that such materials will not infringe on any personal or proprietary rights of any third parties, nor will such materials be harmful, defamatory, unlawful, threatening, obscene, lewd, lascivious, harassing, or otherwise objectionable. You also represent that any materials you post to the Women Employed Social Media Pages do not violate any provision in this Terms of Service or that social media provider’s (e.g. Facebook’s or Twitter’s) Statement of Rights and Responsibilities or Privacy Policy.
Women Employed reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to review, edit, or delete any material posted by users on the Women Employed Social Media Pages that Women Employed for any reason whatsoever determines may be harmful, defamatory, unlawful, threatening, obscene, lewd, lascivious, harassing, potentially in violation of any party’s rights, or otherwise objectionable.
By posting materials to the Women Employed Social Media Pages, you authorize Women Employed to use, and authorize others to use, any such materials in any manner or medium, so long as such use is not in violation of that social media provider’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities or Privacy Policy.
You may not advertise or solicit on the Women Employed Social Media Pages without Women Employed’s prior express written permission.
6. Disclaimer
This Site presents general information about Women Employed and the information is not intended as legal advice nor should you consider it as such. We are not lawyers and do not claim to provide legal advice.
We also attempt to provide links to other Web sites that we hope you will find helpful. We do not control the material presented in other sites, however, and we do not vouch for or assume responsibility for the accuracy of such material.
7. Additional Disclaimers and Limitation of Liabilities and Warranties
The Site may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical errors, and out-of-date information. The Site makes no representations as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the information posted, and the Site makes no warranty that the Site will meet your requirements. You understand, acknowledge, and agree that your use of the Site is at your own risk. Women Employed reserves the right to make changes to the Site at any time.
Women Employed shall not be liable for any damages, including lost revenue or lost profits, which may result from the use of, access to, or inability to use this site. Women Employed assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damages to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to or use of the Site, or your downloading of any materials from the Site.
8. User Conduct/Guidelines
The Site may provide users with the opportunity to submit, post and/or exchange information, data, text, software, music, photographs, graphics or artwork, video, audio, messages or other materials, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted. You agree that you have read and are familiar with the following guidelines.
Please note that messages from users who violate our guidelines may be blocked. Users who violate our guidelines may also be sent a warning, and if necessary, will be banned from further posting.
You understand and agree that all text, graphics, software, music, sound, photographs, videos, messages, posts, data, information, or other materials (collectively, the “Content”) is the sole responsibility of the person with whom the Content originated. Thus, you are responsible for all Content that you disseminate or transmit through or by means of the Site.
You will post honestly and in good faith and with the intention to accurately inform. We do not welcome people who wish to disrupt or insult other users. If we believe you are posting with the intent to cause disruption or harm to other users, you will be banned from further posting on the Site.
You Agree Not To:
- post, disseminate, or transmit any Content that is unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, obscene, harmful, tortious, libelous, or invasive of another’s privacy;
- post, disseminate, or transmit any Content that infringes or violates any party’s copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent, or other proprietary right, including, but not limited to, using third-party copyrighted materials without appropriate permission or attribution, using third-party trademarks without appropriate permission or attribution, and using or distributing third-party information (whether or not protected as a trade secret) in violation of a duty of confidentiality;
- post, disseminate, or transmit any worms, viruses, or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files, code, or programs;
- impersonate any person or entity; falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity; intentionally omit, delete, forge, or misrepresent transmission information, including headers, return mailing, and Internet protocol addresses; or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of any Content transmitted through the Site;
- post, disseminate, or transmit any Content you do not have the right to post, disseminate, or transmit;
- interfere with, disrupt, or harm in any way the Site or servers or networks connected to the Site;
- use the Site for any illegal purpose, in violation of any applicable laws or regulations or in violation of the rules of any other website’s providers, websites, or the like;
- violate any applicable local, state, national, foreign or international law or regulation, intentionally or unintentionally;
9. Complete Understanding
These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire understanding between Women Employed and you with respect to the Site.
By using the Site, you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions and any subsequent modifications. As a condition of your use of the Site, you warrant that you will not use the Site for any purpose that is unlawful.
For more information about Women Employed or if you have any questions about our Terms and Conditions, please contact us by e-mail.
Last Updated: December 5, 2024