Career Foundations Curriculum

Please fill out the form below to request access to the Career Foundations curriculum. If you experience any issues accessing the curriculum, please email Tara Driver, Senior Program Manager, Career Pathways.

Career Foundations is now available in Spanish!

Instructions for Using Career Foundations

All the components needed to teach the Career Foundations course are accessed via the online Instructor Guide. You will receive a link to the Guide after filling out the form on this page.

  1. After accessing the Instructor Guide, open the Document Outline panel (icon at top left) if it is not already open. The outline serves as a navigation menu.
  2. The introduction contains a wealth of useful information for instructors and administrators. We particularly recommend reading Page 6, “Recent Revisions That Facilitate Teaching at a Distance,” to understand the three components of Career Foundations: Instructor Guide, Lesson Slides, and Student Guide.
  3. To simply take a tour, you can browse through the Guide and click the “View” links for all the ready-to-project Instructor Slides, Student Guide (instructions and handouts for each lesson) and other resources referenced. You will be viewing the Women Employed read-only MASTER TEMPLATES, so you will not be able to edit them or type into the blanks.
  4. To begin using the curriculum, we recommend you make your own copy of the Instructor Guide so you can annotate and customize it as needed. At the top left, choose File > Make a Copy if using Google Docs or File > Download > Microsoft Word if using MS Word.
  5. Within each lesson, the Instructor Guide provides the appropriate links to “View | Copy to Drive” ALL resources needed to teach that lesson, including Instructor Slides and Student Guide. Make your own copies (as described in #4) of the resources you plan to use and provide students the sharing link for your own Student Guide copy. This will allow students to type into and save their worksheets. For your convenience, paste the links to your own copies of resources into the spaces provided for this purpose in your copy of the Instructor Guide.