COVID-19: Your Rights on the Job - Digital Outreach Toolkit

Below are sample social media posts, as well as a sample email and newsletter, that you can use to spread the word about your Chicago, Cook County, state, and federal paid leave rights on the job. Please feel free to modify any of these as makes sense for your audience. Let’s get the word out and make sure everyone knows about their rights, especially in light of COVID-19! 

Graphics and Language for Social

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Are you worried about what will happen at work if you or a loved one gets #COVID19? You might be entitled to #paidleave under Chicago, Cook County, and federal law. Learn more about your #workplacerights at 


Is your work closed because of an order from the government due to #COVID19? You might be entitled to #paidleave under Chicago, Cook County, and federal law. Learn more about your #workplacerights at 


Have you lost childcare due to #COVID19? You might be entitled to #paidleave under Chicago, Cook County, and federal law. Learn more about your #workplacerights at 


#COVID19 has changed the structure of work for millions. It is important that you #KnowYourRights & the protections that exist in case you or a loved one gets sick with COVID-19. For help navigating these protections, visit


Do you know your #COVID19 rights on the job? If you or a family member gets sick, if your workplace closes because of a government order, or if you lost child care because of COVID-19, you might be entitled to #paidleave. Learn more about your #workplacerights at 


The #COVID19 pandemic has changed the structure of work for millions of people across the United States. In this time of crisis, it is particularly important that you #KnowYourRights on the job and the protections that exist in case you or a loved one gets sick with COVID-19. WE have created tools to help working people navigate these protections. Learn more about your #workplacerights at 

Facebook and LinkedIn

Do you know your #COVID19 rights on the job? If you or a family member gets sick, if your workplace closes because of a government order, or if you lost child care because of COVID-19, you might be entitled to #paidleave. Learn more about your #workplacerights at 


The #COVID19 pandemic has changed the structure of work for millions of people across the United States. In this time of crisis, it is particularly important that you #KnowYourRights on the job and the protections that exist in case you or a loved one gets sick with COVID-19. WE have created tools to help working people navigate these protections. Check out our toolkit at

Language for E-Newsletter

Please feel free to modify for your audience. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of millions of Americans, both at home and at work. To help mitigate this crisis, the federal government has created new emergency paid leave laws to provide broader protections to employees. It is particularly important for people to be aware of these protections in case you or a loved one gets sick with COVID-19.   

As an organization that pursues equity for allwomen in the workforce and has been leading the fight for paid leave in Illinois for decades, Women Employed created tools to help working people navigate their employment rights. Their toolkit includes an English and Spanish fact sheet detailing COVID-19 benefits in Illinois, sample social media language you can use to spread the word, additional COVID-19 resources for working people and adult students, and even more information about our paid sick days campaign in Illinois. You can download the digital toolkit at 

Email for Personal Networks

Please feel free to modify for your audience. 

 Dear [NAME], 

I’m writing to make sure you know about your paid leave rights during this scary time and especially rights you have related to COVID-19. Between new and existing federal, state, and local laws, it’s hard to know what kind of paid leave you have a right to and when you can use it. That’s why I’m sharing a resource to help you understand which paid leave rights apply to your situation, the basics of those rights, and how to get more information. 

Women Employed, an organization that pursues equity for allwomen in the workforce, has been leading the fight for paid leave in Illinois for decades. They continue to push our elected leaders to extend and expand upon temporary emergency measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic and to pass permanent paid sick days and paid family and medical leave programs to support working women and their families, while ensuring workers can use the rights they already have. 

I encourage you to visit and share the set of tools that Women Employed has created to help all Illinois workers understand and exercise their paid leave rights under COVID-19, and to help spread the word to others! You can check out their toolkit at 

 I hope this is helpful! 
