Women Employed Executive Director Anne Ladky Announces Retirement

February 9th, 2017

Leading Women’s Advocate Looks to Future 

(Chicago) – After 40 years with Women Employed, Anne Ladky, a founding member of the organization, has announced she will retire from her role as executive director later this year to become a volunteer and staunch advocate for Women Employed’s work.

“Anne’s dedication to achieving economic justice and workplace equality for women is an inspiration,” said Lisa Pattis, Board Chair. “Under her leadership, Women Employed’s impact and effectiveness has changed the lives of millions of women everywhere in the country.”

Women Employed’s many accomplishments during Ladky’s tenure include defining sexual harassment as illegal sex discrimination, leading the charge to promote work/family balance and close the wage gap, and helping to pass key legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and the Illinois Pregnancy Fairness Law. Under Ladky’s leadership, Women Employed has also become the leading advocate for low-income adult students in Illinois seeking better jobs through education. In 2016, Women Employed won the right to earn paid sick time for one million employees in Chicago and Cook County.

“The struggle for women’s equality is far from over,” said Ladky. “Women Employed continues to play a critical role in the fight for economic justice, driving the change that America’s working women need to achieve economic stability and security and achieve their aspirations.”

The Anne Ladky Leadership Fund is being established in her honor by the Board of Directors to develop and support leaders in women’s economic justice issues and increase Women Employed’s impact. The organization will honor Ladky’s contributions at their annual event, The Working Lunch, on May 10th.

Women Employed’s Board is working to identify a new director. With a strong leadership, staff, and track record of achievement, the organization expects to attract outstanding candidates.

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Women Employed mobilizes people and organizations to expand educational and employment opportunities for America’s working women. Founded in 1973, Women Employed has spent four decades opening doors, breaking barriers, and creating fairer workplaces for women. Visit Women Employed online or on social media at FacebookTwitterPinterest and LinkedIn.