Share Your Story
You’ve seen the numbers. But it’s the stories behind the numbers—the experiences of women trying to make it happen for themselves and their families in school and at work—that drive home the urgency of our work. WE share those stories—with supporters, advocates, policymakers—to spur the change WE seek. Share yours!

“A few years ago I tried to get my GED, but it didn’t work out for me because my work schedule was really hectic. I had to cater to my job needs instead of school…Now I’m getting my associate’s in arts.”
“Nobody should be turned away because they can’t pay. Look at me, at my son—the MAP grant provided the opportunity for an education, and then we had the tools to succeed.”

“Every year, too many of [restaurant workers] find themselves in the same situation I did: out of a job because they made the only decision they could make for themselves and their family.”