The Working Lunch

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I registered but haven’t received my login information?

A: You will receive an email from [email protected] by May 14th at 10:00 a.m. with your unique event username and password. Can’t find it? Reach out to that email address. 

Q: What do I do if I run into technical difficulties logging into the event on May 14th?

A: If you have trouble accessing our luncheon website, you can reach out to our AV help team by email at [email protected]. Phone support will also be available on May 14th between 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at (214) 210-8006.

Q: What is the deadline to register for the event?

A: Tickets are available until 12:00 p.m. on May 14 for The Working Lunch: Virtual Edition!

Q: What are the ticket options?

A: Here is a diagram outlining the ticket levels. The short answer: if you’d like to just buy a ticket, select the “Purchase Individual Tickets” option. If you need help with your ticket purchase, please contact Jorian Lewke at [email protected] or 312-782-3902, extension 1.

Q: What happens if I accidentally donated to the event instead of buying a ticket?

A: Thank you for your gift! No need to contact us, we will email you the week of the luncheon (May 11-13th) with your unique username and password to log in to the virtual event platform.

Q: What if I buy a ticket and cannot attend the live event?

A: Thank you for supporting Women Employed! We will share the event recording after May 14th so that you can view the program at a different time.

Q: If I buy a ticket for someone else, how do I make sure they get a username and password to view the event?

A: Please direct your guest to fill out the Guest RSVP Form. After providing their name and email address through the form, your guest will receive an email with a unique username and password the week of the event. If you need help with submitting RSVPs for your guests, please contact Rosa Zapata at [email protected] or 312-782-3902 X247.

Q: What do I need to do before the day of the event?

A: Check your inbox on Wednesday, May 13th for an email from Women Employed that includes your username and password, and a link to access the event. Make sure to save that email. If you don’t receive that email, check your spam and junk folders. We will resend your login information on May 14th to make sure it’s at the top of your inbox.

Check out the Virtual Platform: Once you receive your username and password from us, we encourage you to log into the event website before the luncheon to make sure you can access the site and to click around and see how it works! For the best user experience, use these supported web browsers: Apple Safari, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge.

Download Zoom for Networking: If you plan to participate in virtual networking:

Update Your Browser: You may want to download the most recent version of your web browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.) to assure the best experience with the live-streamed video.

Q: After I buy a ticket, how do I participate in the event?

A: After you buy your ticket(s), you will receive an email by from [email protected] May 14th at 10:00 a.m. with your custom username and password that you will use to log in to the virtual event platform.

Log In to The Virtual Event Platform: On the day of the event (May 14th), you will click the link to “Join the Event” in the email we sent you with your login information, bringing you to the homepage for the virtual platform where you will use your custom username and password to log in.

Navigate The Virtual Event Platform: Once you log in, you will be brought to an event landing page. On the left side of the screen, you will see a panel with a picklist of options you can click on to do things like learn about the panelists, view sponsors, buy raffle tickets, and join the virtual networking rooms that are happening from 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The program is from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. and at that time you will click the “View Live Stream” button at the top right corner of the screen to tune in.

For a sneak peek of the platform, check out this video.

Q: Can I participate in the event on my phone? 

A: While we recommend you participate on your desktop or laptop for the best user experience, our event platform is mobile friendly. A desktop or laptop will provide you a larger video screen, and more ability to watch the event and use other platform features simultaneously, however the platform is compatible with mobile devices.

Q: What do I need to know to use the event website?

A: The event will be hosted on a platform called Chime Live. You’ll receive a link to access the website along with your username and password the week of the luncheon.

How do I see the video?
Once you’re logged into the site, you should see a red button named “Live Stream” on the navigation bar with a camera on it. Click on that button and a window will appear with the video inside.

What controls can I use?

  • You can click and drag on the top bar of the video window to move it around the screen.
  • On the top bar of the video window, you can click on the minus sign (-) to minimize the video. You’ll still be able to hear the audio. To get the video back click on the red icon again.
  • You can close the video and audio completely by clicking on the ‘X’ button at the top of the video window. To resume the video and audio click on the red icon again.
  • You can click and drag the bottom right-hand corner of the video window to resize it.
  • If you move your mouse cursor over the video you will also see an option to make the video full-screen on your display. Press the ‘Esc’ key on your keyboard to return it to a window.

What if I can’t I see the red button to launch the video stream?
The button is only shown while there is a live video stream running. If you think there should be a button, you can check by reloading the page in your browser.

 What if the window opens but I cannot see or hear the video?
The most likely explanation is that streaming video is blocked on your network or device. Try connecting to a different WiFi network and/or use a different device to access the site.

If you have additional trouble the day of the event:
Make sure you are using a supported browser: Apple Safari, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge. If you still have trouble, contact our AV help team at [email protected], or by phone at (214) 210-8006 between 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. the day of the event.

Q: How do I participate in the event networking rooms?

A: On the day of the event, you’ll log into the event website using the log-in information you receive in an email from Women Employed the week of the event. Once logged in, click the ‘Networking’ button on the left-hand side of the screen. Choose the room that interests you most, read the prompt before entering, and network away! The host will end the networking session before the program starts.

Available Networking Rooms: These are the eight different interest area networking rooms, which will be broken out into Zoom rooms with about 10 people each (except for the “New to WE” room that will be a large group Q&A):

    • General Networking
    • Longtime Friends of WE
    • New to Women Employed
    • WE Board + Council Members
    • Women in Male-Dominated Industries
    • Essential Workers (& People Who Love Them!)
    • Self-Care Strategies for Surviving & Thriving while Sheltering in Place
    • Parenting During the Pandemic

Download Zoom for Networking: The rooms are powered by Zoom. You do not need a Zoom account to access a room. If you are on your desktop and you have not used Zoom before, the plug-in you need will automatically download when you enter the meeting, or you can download it in advance by clicking here and downloading ‘Zoom Client for Meetings.’ If you participate on a mobile phone or tablet, you may need to download the Zoom app. You can download the app for Apple devices by clicking here, and the app for Android devices by clicking here.

Q: How do I submit a question for the panelists?

A: WE value your input and want to hear from you. Complete this survey to share any questions or suggestions you have for WE that you hope to see addressed at The Working Lunch.

Q: How do I create a volunteer fundraiser page?

A: We encourage you to use our online fundraising platform to set up an individual page so that you can get notified when your friends or family buy tickets and access the sample emails, texts, and social media posts that will be auto-populated on your personal fundraiser page. Here’s a step-by-step video to help you set up your fundraising page. We’ve made a few updates since we made this how-to video, but the instructions for getting your page set up still stand!