Impact Reports


2024 Impact Report

In our FY24 Impact Report, we are Centering Women’s Voices, and giving them the space to share their own stories and experiences in their own words. Their needs are both valid and valued, and we are working hard to remove the barriers that stand between them, the opportunities they seek, and their ability to thrive. Through the experiences of these women, you can better visualize the importance and the impact of our work.



2023 Impact Report

For 50 years, WE have been ALL IN. WE have never backed down. WE have been tenacious. WE have done the research, forged the connections, built the coalitions, fostered the partnerships, and rallied the advocates to make change happen. The world looks different for women than it did in 1973. And, there is still much to be done. This year, WE made incredible leaps forward, which you’ll read about in this report. And WE are ALL IN for what’s to come—today, tomorrow, and for however long it takes until we achieve equity for ALL.



2022 Impact Report

To build a better future where working women and their families can not just survive–but thrive–we need to smash the status quo. That means reshaping the workplace and rethinking how Women Employed approaches our work, too. In this report, you’ll read about some of the exciting work we’re doing to smash the status quo, and hear from women who are informing and benefitting from that work.



2021 Impact Report

The critical nature of Women Employed’s work is more relevant than ever, as we work to emerge from a pandemic that’s had a hold on us for nearly two years; to emerge from a ‘she-cession’ that’s had alarming impacts on women—especially Black and Brown women—and their families; to emerge from workplace policies and practices that never worked for many of us. The critical nature of Women Employed’s work is more relevant than ever, as we work to emerge from a pandemic that’s had a hold on us for nearly two years; to emerge from a ‘she-cession’ that’s had alarming impacts on women—especially Black and Brown women—and their families; to emerge from workplace policies and practices that never worked for many of us. Read about the work that’s already begun.



2020 Annual Report

The working people now considered essential have been at the heart of Women Employed’s mission since 1973. And our work this year to advance equity for all has also been essential. By improving job quality for all workers and leading the charge for paid leave in Illinois, working to advance access and racial equity in higher education, and strengthening our career pathways programs so people can secure jobs that provide family-sustaining wages, we made major advances in our work to pursue equity for all. Read more in or 2020 annual report, and scroll down to watch people tell their own stories about the impact of our essential work!



2019 Annual Report

Victory. At Women Employed, when we celebrate a victory, it means more women are safe and respected at work. More people have access to the training and education they need to take the next step to something better. It’s peace of mind. Dignity. This year, we have some huge victories to celebrate, and that’s good news for us all. Read about those victories in our 2019 Annual Report.



2018 Annual Report

Doubling Down on Rising Up, Together. Since 1973, Women Employed has been making change in the workplace to elevate us all. We have stood up for equal opportunity and economic advancement. We have paved the way for millions to get their degrees. And we have leveraged partnerships to make it happen. We are bringing people to the table to build a movement to improve the lives of working women and their families.



2017 Annual Report

Moving Forward, Together. In a tumultuous year for our country, we have forged ahead to ensure all women can access fair workplaces, quality jobs, and education and training leading to better opportunities. In this report, you’ll read about crucial advances we’ve made this year on equal pay, paid sick time, and pathways to college and careers. The key to our success is you.



2016 Annual Report

This is How Change Happens. It’s never a straight line. Advocacy campaigns are long battles with many twists and turns. New discoveries, barriers, and tactics emerge. Over four decades, Women Employed has developed the strategic know-how, flexibility, and tenacity it takes to win. This report recounts the winding path to two vital advances for working women.


2015 Annual Report

Not you. Not me. It’s we. The voices of working women are at the heart of our 2015 annual report. Although the women we heard from had widely varying life experiences, we heard strong commonalities: a yearning to do the best for their families, the importance of financial stability and security, a desire for work that is respected and fulfilling, a belief in fairness, and the importance of speaking up for change.

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